• Transformative Justice Project (TJP)

    Hannah is currently a volunteer with TJP on the Fundraising Committee. Between 2015 and 2016, she was the Director of Policy at the Transformative Justice Project (previously The Colorado Juvenile Defender Center), where she lobbied for legislation in the Colorado General Assembly to improve the treatment of children and youth in the Colorado juvenile justice system. With a passion for policy, Hannah played an integral role in getting breakthrough legislation passed that authorized resentencing hearings for individuals sentenced to life without parole for crimes committed when they were juveniles.

  • THE Colorado Attorney Well Being Pledge

    In 2018, the Colorado Supreme Court launched a campaign to improve the mental health landscape of the legal profession, with an emphasis on helping legal employers support healthy work environments. The Well-Being Recognition Program offers legal employers (including law firms, corporate entities, government agencies and legal aid organizations) and individual lawyers the opportunity to affirm their support for the Colorado Supreme Court’s well-being campaign and pledge to work to adopt and prioritize the Well-Being Pledge framework through the completion of an annual Colorado Pledge to Lawyer Well-Being.

  • Alliance to Lead Impact in Global Human Trafficking (ALIGHT)

    Hannah represents victims of human trafficking as a volunteer attorney for ALIGHT, a non-profit organization based in Colorado. When victims need help sealing or expunging their criminal records, or obtaining a protection order, Hannah volunteers to do a small part to facilitate as the survivors create a fresh start after facing victimization.

  • Learn Your Rights in Colorado (LYRIC)

    Hannah co-founded a nonprofit organization and serves on the Board of Directors for, Learn Your Rights in Colorado (LYRIC). LYRIC teaches high school students about their constitutional rights. LYRIC’s curriculum is currently taught in 40 Colorado high schools.

  • Law School… Yes We Can

    Hannah is a mentor for Law School… Yes We Can, a non-profit dedicated to ensuring students from diverse backgrounds enter the legal profession.

  • Colorado Supreme Court Pro Bono Legal Service Commitment

    Hannah has committed to the annual goal of 50 hours of pro bono legal services, a substantial majority of which should be for persons of limited means and/or organizations serving persons of limited means.


  • Hannah was appointed by Governor Jared Polis to serve on his Executive Clemency Board in 2019. After finishing her first term in 2023, Governor Polis and his team asked her to stay on the board for another four years. Hannah is committed to remaining on the Clemency Board until 2027.

  • In 2023, Hannah was appointed by the Chief Justice of the Colorado Supreme Court to serve on the Advisory Board for the Office of the Child Protection Ombudsman.

  • Hannah was a Women’s Bar Association Board member from 2019-2022. In 2023, Hannah took a year off from the board due to a six-week trial in Arapahoe County. However, in May 2024, Hannah again joins the board as the vice president.


Hannah has been hired by lawyers across to the state of Colorado to consult in cases involving complex juvenile defense litigation, specifically cases involving allegations of sexual assault and preparation for cross examination of expert witnesses. Hannah’s experience in these areas allows her to work with lawyers to solve complex legal issues, and teach them about the intricacies of defending children charged in delinquency and criminal proceedings.  Contact Hannah today to set up a consultation.